A common mistake is an irresponsible attitude towards nail fungus. Many people consider this disease a cosmetic defect and do not pay attention to its treatment. During this time, this pathogenic microorganism poses a danger to the entire organism. It releases toxic substances that enter the bloodstream to all organs and systems and can cause a lot of damage. Not all patients turn to a specialist when a fungus is detected, thinking that the disease can be treated at home using folk remedies. Practice shows that using such methods it is impossible to completely get rid of the fungus.
Traditional methods of combating fungi, their effectiveness
In the folk collection there are many recipes for treating nail fungus. The most popular:
- treatment of nail plates with hydrogen peroxide and iodine;
- hot baths with apple or wine vinegar;
- rubbing nails with celandine juice, garlic
These methods have some effectiveness. The disinfectant properties of iodine tincture and hydrogen peroxide help destroy microorganisms. The fungus dies in an acidic environment under the influence of components of celandine juice and garlic. Unfortunately, it is impossible to eliminate all pathogens using these methods. The fungus spreads deep into the nail plates, skin and cuticles. Treatments, wiping, baths only act on the upper tissues. Microorganisms in the deeper layers persist and multiply rapidly, and the disease continues to spread.
Such methods have another drawback. Their use allows you to suppress the activity of the fungus, serious symptoms disappear and the patient stops treatment, believing that he has coped with the disease. However, a decrease in immunity due to illness, stress or other reasons gives the fungus the opportunity to actively multiply and increase the area of the affected areas.
Treatment with pharmacological drugs
Pharmacies offer a large number of different drugs intended to treat fungus. You can buy products that are heavily advertised, promising instant recovery. The category of drugs includes:
- antimycotics tablets;
- antifungal ointments;
- special varnishes
All of these products contain active components that destroy pathogenic microorganisms. But it should be borne in mind that there are several dozen types of microorganisms. It is impossible to determine the pathogen yourself. It is important to choose the optimal treatment to prevent relapses. In addition, the fungus has a negative effect on the whole body: for complete recovery, immunomodulators and vitamin and mineral complexes may be required. We must not forget about the toxic properties of antifungal drugs. Wrong choice and misuse can lead to serious problems. Therefore, only contact with a dermatologist can guarantee complete recovery.
Effective ways to get rid of fungus
Modern medicine has effective means to combat this disease. After a diagnosis determining the type of pathogen and the degree of spread, the dermatologist prescribes a comprehensive treatment. It selects the optimal medications, treatment and dosage. This guarantees complete relief from the pathology.
The newest treatment method is PAST photodynamic therapy. This is a painless procedure in which a gel containing components that form active oxygen under the influence of light waves created by the emitter is applied to the nail plates, cuticles and skin. The advantage of this treatment is safety. There is no negative impact on the body. In this case, the fungus is completely destroyed. The number of sessions is determined by the doctor after diagnosis.
Modern and effective treatment for nail fungus is carried out in a specialized podiatry center. This institution employs experienced and highly qualified dermatologists and has the latest equipment for innovative RAST therapy.